Get Kanban Certified
What is the Kanban Method?
The Kanban Method is a set of principles and practices that have been observed in successful Kanban initiatives worldwide. Since its inception, it has developed and matured as an effective approach for organizations to achieve greater business agility. The Kanban Method embraces the constant change inherent to managing knowledge work and enables IT, financial services, insurance and global organizations to become more collaborative, unified and productive in the face of growing competitive pressures and organizational chaos.
The Kanban University Certified Training is based on the Kanban Method and teaches organizations how to understand and visualize systems of work to continually improve and consistently deliver effective results. The Kanban Method provides a set of proven practices and approaches that scale from individuals and teams to the enterprise.
The Kanban Method seeks to achieve balance between (customer) Demands and (business) Capabilities. In organizations where this balance is off, it is typical to see examples of an overworked and unproductive workforce, poor quality, unpredictable results, late deliveries, no time for innovation, and missed opportunities. The Kanban Method gives you the ability to re-balance the equation by leveraging numerous techniques to help shape demand and improve capability. It doesn’t prescribe any mandatory practices, but has greater results in companies where leadership is encouraged and employees across the organization are motivated to solve problems and put in the work to do so.
看板大學由 David J Anderson 和一群值得信賴的看板愛好者於 2010 年創立,其中一些人至今仍是經過認證的看板顧問和培訓師,是看板方法令人自豪的「家」!在過去的十年中,我們已經發展成為一個令人驚嘆的看板社區,已發展到擁有80 多名經過認證的看板顧問和340 多名經過認證的看板培訓師,他們在全球範圍內指導和/或教授組織、團隊和學生看板方法。迄今為止,已有超過 90,000 名學生通過看板大學獲得了看板方法認證!
看板大學課程中教授的看板方法是基於 David J Anderson 所寫的《看板:技術業務的成功演進變革》。以管理和改進專業服務業務以及提供人性化變革方法為動力,該方法的根源在於精益製造。然而,看板旨在用於管理產生無形和虛擬商品和服務的知識工作。
Kanban University Learning Path
團隊看板執行者 (TKP)
This credential is granted upon the completion of the Team Kanban Practitioner workshop. It is designed to introduce the principles of Kanban for a team to get started or for the complete team to get the appropriate exposure to be effective within a Kanban system. The TKP is not required for other credentials, however many people new to Kanban may find TKP to be the best entry point.
Scrum Kanban Practitioner (SKP)
“Scrum Better with Kanban” workshop is crafted to elevate your Scrum practices by integrating proven Kanban principles, practices, and evolutionary change management. Based on lessons learned from successful Scrum teams employing the Kanban Method, this hands-on workshop provides practical training. You will leave with a validated approach to introducing changes that will deliver tangible results for both your team and organization.
所有在研討會期間積極參與並完成所有必要活動的參與者都將獲得 Scrum 看板實踐者 (SKP) 證書。
Kanban Management Professional (KMP)
This credential is granted upon the completion of two classes. Kanban System Design, which teaches the basics of Kanban, flow, and how to design a Kanban system. Kanban Systems Improvement, which teaches how to evolve, improve, and scale a Kanban system. KMPs should be able to design a Kanban system and evolve and scale it beyond the team.
*The KMP credential is granted upon completion of both Kanban System Design and Kanban Systems Improvement courses.
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