
培訓是投資而不是支出!學習就是勝利!!  +852 9488 2765


Project Manager Community

PMI® is the world’s largest project manager community, connecting you with thought leaders and trend-setters around the globe.

PMI® is the leading authority in project management, committed to advancing the project management profession to positively impact project success.


PMP Certification Holders Worldwide


Active Members Around the Globe


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Certifications for Every Stage of Your Carreer

PMI® offers project management certifications to assist individuals in advancing through every stage of their careers. The certifications empower professionals to work in any industry globally and with any project management methodology.

These certifications are grounded in rigorous standards and ongoing research, ensuring they meet the demands of real-world projects and organizations. No matter the specific professional goals, PMI® provides certifications designed to aid individuals in reaching and surpassing them.

PMI® Workshops


Agilizing Limited 是 PMI® 授權培訓合作夥伴 (ATP)

該頭銜專門授予經過 PMI 徹底審核和檢查的培訓機構,以確保其考試準備品質符合最高標準。

授權培訓合作夥伴 (ATP) 由 PMI 特別挑選,為潛在的認證持有者提供其獨家內容。他們可以為學生提供 PMI 許可的材料,這些材料無法向公眾開放或由非 ATP 培訓師提供。

Agilizing 始終堅持追求卓越,培養自信、高素質的專案經理。憑藉我們深入的 PMP® 課程,我們遵循 PMI 標準以確保內容品質和一致性。當我們聲明我們的講師遵循 PMI 的 ATP 標準時,我們保證我們的 PMI 課程始終保持高品質標準。我們深厚的專案管理專業知識以及與有抱負的 PM 分享的渴望為我們贏得了 ATP 認證。

Agilizing Limited 是 PMI ATP 計劃的成員。 PMI 並不特別認可、批准或保證 ATP 的產品、課程、出版品或服務。

