The ITIL® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value module comprehensively addresses various forms of engagement and interaction between service providers and their customers, users, suppliers, and partners.
This module empowers candidates and organizations to deliver exceptional value by emphasizing the transformation of demand into tangible benefits through IT-enabled services. Effective stakeholder management is facilitated, enabling digital professionals to target stakeholders with the appropriate service offerings and value propositions, thereby distinguishing themselves and their organizations in a competitive and demanding environment.
Furthermore, the module delves into the customer journey, allowing candidates to shape customer demand, manage relationships, and optimize the overall customer experience. It equips candidates to enhance stakeholder satisfaction through collaborative value co-creation and the development of mutually agreed-upon requirements. The module provides essential tools to foster a culture of collaboration and transparency, ultimately contributing to increased stakeholder satisfaction.
The ITIL® 4 Specialist Drive Stakeholder Value module encourages IT professionals to actively engage with stakeholders, influencing and improving the user experience within a broader framework. Uniquely designed to elevate the careers of digitally experienced candidates, this module expands their knowledge and enhances existing skillsets in an increasingly digital service economy.
ITIL® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value holders are professionals:
专业发展单位 (PDU)
从 2023 年开始,所有 PeopleCert 全球最佳实践认证都需要在 3 年后更新。有三种途径可以更新证书:
1)重考同一项考试: 您可以选择通过重新参加并通过原始考试来续订您的认证。您的认证续订截止日期将延长三年。或者
2) 参加同一产品套件的另一个 PeopleCert(ITIL® 或 PRINCE2®)认证研讨会并获得认证: 您可以选择通过参加其他研讨会并通过同一产品套件内的考试来续订您的认证。该产品套件内所有认证的续订截止日期将延长三年。或者
3)通过 PeopleCert Plus 会员资格收集和记录 CPD 积分: 需要有效的 PeopleCert Plus 订阅。对于每个产品套件,您需要连续 3 年在不同的 CPD 类别中每年提交至少 20 个 CPD 积分。在此期间结束时,认证续订日期将延长 3 年,然后重复该周期。有关 PeopleCert Plus 会员资格的更多信息,请访问:
ITIL® 4 基础是所有实践经理、专业管理人员、战略领导者认证的先决条件。这是认证跨职能多学科团队和专业人员的第一步。专业人员必须先获得 ITIL® 4 Foundation 认证,然后才能完成认证计划的其余部分。
ITIL® 是敏捷服务管理中使用最广泛的指南。它通过将现代和新兴实践与既定且经过验证的专业知识相结合,确保现有工作方式的连续性。 ITIL® 4 最佳实践模块有助于优化数字技术,与消费者共同创造价值、推动业务战略并拥抱数字化转型。
*要获得实践经理称号,候选人必须获得 ITIL® MP CDS 证书和任何五项基于实践的认证,无论是单独的还是作为三门预捆绑课程之一。这些可能包括 ITAM 和 BRM 扩展模块或实践经理轨道中的任何实践。
**ITIL® 4 Master 将授予获得实践经理 (PM)、管理专业人员 (MP) 和战略领导者 (SL) 称号的候选人。
Copyright © PeopleCert group 2024. Reproduced under license from PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
PeopleCert Plus 年度会员计划为您提供 完全访问独家内容 旨在帮助你在职业上脱颖而出,进一步发展你的技能,并增强你的决策过程!此外,会员还可以参加独家网络研讨会和大师班,以及 CPD 平台 保持您的 PeopleCert(PRINCE2®、PRINCE2 Agile®、ITIL® 等)证书为最新 并分享您的成就、个人资料和数字徽章。 Take2 and Mock Exam* now included in our PeopleCert Plus plan!
Every annual PeopleCert Plus Membership will now include the Mock Exam* + Take2, the option to re-sit each exam your learners take.
*Mock exams available to Annual PeopleCert Plus members and subject to availability by PeopleCert. Please check with PeopleCert or with us if your certification exam includes mock exam before purchasing PeopleCert Plus Membership.