管理 3.0 是管理的未来,这意味着为您的团队做正确的事情,包括每个人都在改进系统并通过适当的环境培养员工敬业度,以实现这一目标。管理 3.0 研究如何分析该系统,以提出正确的解决方案,以实现更好的跨组织领导力。
管理3.0遵循系统思维理念,即组织95%的绩效是整个系统的结果,而不是个人的结果。管理 3.0 研究如何分析该系统,以提出正确的解决方案,从而在组织中实现更好、更有效的领导。
管理 3.0 是一种不断发展的思维方式以及游戏、工具和实践的集合,可帮助任何员工管理组织。它基于敏捷开发的原则,专注于创建信任、协作和协作的环境,使团队能够更高效、更有效地工作。这种心态可以促进积极的文化,并通过了解团队动态、沟通策略以及激励和吸引团队成员来帮助团队成员实现目标。不断变化的游戏、工具和实践集合包括领导者和促进者培训、管理组织变革、引入新实践和流程以及开发有效领导技能的方法。总而言之,对于任何希望将会议流程和组织系统提升到新水平的领导者或主持人来说,管理 3.0 都是宝贵的资源。
Meet Martie from Management 3.0
Martie is the vibrant and colorful mascot of Management 3.0, representing the six key views essential to effective management:
- Energize People: People are the most important parts of an organization and managers must do all they can to keep people active, creative, and motivated.
- Empower Teams: Teams can self-organize, and this requires empowerment, authorization, and trust from management.
- Align Constraints: Self-organization can lead to anything, and it’s therefore necessary to protect people and shared resources and to give a clear purpose and defined goals.
- Develop Competencies: Teams cannot achieve their goals if team members aren’t capable enough, and managers must therefore contribute to the development of competence.
- Grow Structure: Many teams operate within the context of a complex organization, and thus it is important to consider structures that enhance communication.
- Improve Everything: People, teams, and organizations need to improve continuously to defer failure for as long as possible.
Martie embodies the holistic approach of Management 3.0, focusing on leadership practices that empower teams, foster collaboration, and drive continuous improvement. Martie is a reminder that effective management is about nurturing an environment where people and teams can thrive.
Martie. The Management 3.0 Model
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