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250118 Confluence Essentials – 1 day

線上/虛擬 , 香港

加入我們為 Confluence 最終用戶設計的綜合研討會,您將獲得有效利用 Confluence 實現無縫協作的基本技能和知識。無論您是初學者還是希望提高現有技能,本研討會都會涵蓋基礎知識,讓您可以輕鬆建立、編輯頁面和設定頁面格式。您將學習如何毫不費力地[...]

250118 ICAgile Agility in Marketing (ICP-MKG) – 2 days

線上/虛擬 , 香港

行銷不僅僅是產品和服務。這是關於您的客戶的。 ICAgile 行銷敏捷性認證 (ICP-MKG) 可協助您將其付諸實踐。這張廣受認可的證書由行銷人員為行銷人員開發,基於「行銷服務」方法,使組織策略與客戶需求保持一致。在這個[…]

250111 PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® – 28 hours

線上/虛擬 , 香港

敏捷正迅速成為從製造到金融再到醫療保健等眾多行業的專案管理首選方法。擁有 PMI-ACP® 將提高您作為雇主在當今商業環境中保持競爭力所需的解決方案的知名度。 PMI 敏捷認證從業人員 (PMI-ACP)® 考試是敏捷專案 [...]

250118 Certified SAFe Advanced Scrum Master – 2 days

線上/虛擬 , 香港

這個為期兩天的研討會幫助目前的 Scrum Master 做好準備,讓他們在促進敏捷團隊、專案和企業在 Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) 實施中取得成功方面發揮領導作用。該研討會涵蓋促進跨團隊互動以支持專案執行和持續改進。它透過引入可擴展的工程和 DevOps 實踐來增強 Scrum 範式; […]

250118 ICAgile Agile Team Facilitation (ICP-ATF) – 2 days

線上/虛擬 , 香港

敏捷團隊促進(ICP-ATF) 認證主要著重於敏捷團隊促進者(即Scrum Master 或敏捷教練)的思維方式和角色,同時也提供團隊和團隊促進工具和技術,用於有效設計雙方參與的會議和研討會。

250118 Product Ownership Analysis (IIBA®-CPOA) – 14 hours

線上/虛擬 , 香港

IIBA®’s Product Ownership Analysis certification program recognizes the integration of Business Analysis and Product Ownership with an Agile mindset to maximizing value. The workshop provides the opportunity to acquire essential concepts needed to create successful products. The POA workshop provides a foundational understanding of the standards of practice, techniques, case studies, and the POA framework. […]

250118 Kanban Management Professional (KMP-1) Kanban System Design – 2 days

線上/虛擬 , 香港

看板系統設計 (KMP 1) 計畫為參與者提供了一種深入而簡單的方法來學習看板方法在組織的所有領域的應用。在為期 2 天的課程結束時,參與者將能夠設計新的看板系統或透過明確定義政策來改善現有的看板系統,減少 [...]

250118 Certified Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Foundation – 2 days

線上/虛擬 , 香港

The SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) Foundation training is an introduction to the principles & practices that enable an organization to reliably and economically scale critical services. Introducing a site-reliability dimension requires organizational realignment, a new focus on engineering & automation, and the adoption of a range of new working paradigms. The training highlights the evolution […]

250118 ICAgile Agile Coaching (ACC) — 3 days

線上/虛擬 , 香港

Looking for agile coaching skill enhancement? This is the training designed just for you. ICAgile Agile Coaching (ICP-ACC) is a global industry recognized certification workshop focuses on the mindset, roles, skills and responsibilities of an Agile Coach. You will be able to differentiate between mentoring, facilitating, consulting, teaching and coaching, and will gain the skills […]

250118 ITIL®4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and Improve (DPI) – 3 days

線上/虛擬 , 香港

The ITIL® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan, and Improve module serves as a universal component integral to both the ITIL® 4 Managing Professional and ITIL® 4 Strategic Leader streams. Designed for managers at all levels involved in shaping direction, strategy, or cultivating a continuously improving team, this module equips individuals with practical skills essential for establishing […]

250118 Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® – 3 days

線上/虛擬 , 香港

CAPM® 認證展示了您的基礎知識和技能,向世界證明您有能力滿足專案團隊的需求。它意味著您已準備好採用預測性專案管理、敏捷原則和業務分析等方法來處理各種專案。透過獲得 CAPM®,您獲得了必要的 [...]

250118 Management 3.0 Agile Team Leadership – 1 day

線上/虛擬 , 香港

打造高績效團隊需要什麼?透過本次研討會,作為管理 3.0 基礎研討會的後續活動,您將能夠作為領導者更好地為您的團隊服務,為自組織創造合適的條件,並促進團隊成員和團隊的成長。一個整體。 […]

