250118 Certified SAFe Advanced Scrum Master – 2 days
線上/虛擬 , 香港這個為期兩天的研討會幫助目前的 Scrum Master 做好準備,讓他們在促進敏捷團隊、專案和企業在 Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) 實施中取得成功方面發揮領導作用。該研討會涵蓋促進跨團隊互動以支持專案執行和持續改進。它透過引入可擴展的工程和 DevOps 實踐來增強 Scrum 範式; […]
這個為期兩天的研討會幫助目前的 Scrum Master 做好準備,讓他們在促進敏捷團隊、專案和企業在 Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) 實施中取得成功方面發揮領導作用。該研討會涵蓋促進跨團隊互動以支持專案執行和持續改進。它透過引入可擴展的工程和 DevOps 實踐來增強 Scrum 範式; […]
讓 Scrum Master 了解他們在規模化企業環境中的角色。學習促進團隊和專案層級的活動以成功執行項目,在整個企業的背景下探索 Scrum,並成為僕人領導者和教練,幫助敏捷團隊實現最大的業務價值。與會者了解[...]
這個為期兩天的研討會幫助目前的 Scrum Master 做好準備,讓他們在促進敏捷團隊、專案和企業在 Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) 實施中取得成功方面發揮領導作用。該研討會涵蓋促進跨團隊互動以支持專案執行和持續改進。它透過引入可擴展的工程和 DevOps 實踐來增強 Scrum 範式; […]
與會者成為 SAFe 架構師後,可以改善 SAFe® 精實敏捷企業中的協作和協調。 SAFe® 架構師研討會幫助系統架構師、解決方案架構師和企業架構師做好準備,讓他們成為整個組織中有效的領導者和變革推動者,共同交付架構解決方案。在為期三天的認證研討會上,與會者將探討角色,[...]
供精實敏捷變革計畫的領導者開發精實敏捷思維模式並應用 Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) 的原則和實踐來支持敏捷團隊、專案和專案組合管理。協調和領導企業規模的精實敏捷轉型。與會者將透過利用[...]獲得領導精實敏捷企業所需的知識
To compete in a disruptive global market, every organization needs to deliver valuable technology solutions at the speed of business. This requires a shared DevOps mindset among all the people needed to define, build, test, deploy, and release software-driven systems— not just the engineers operating a CI/CD pipeline. This two-day, remote-enabled, interactive certification workshop—purpose-built for […]
Build the skills needed to become a high-performing team member on an Agile Release Train (ART)—and learn how to collaborate effectively with other teams—by becoming a SAFe® Practitioner (SP). During this two-day certification training, attendees gain an in-depth understanding of the qualities of high-performing Agile Teams, the ART and how it delivers value, and what […]
The Agile Product Management workshop allows you to discover the right mindset, skills, and tools you need to create successful products and solutions using Agile techniques. Learn how to use Design Thinking to create products and solutions that are: Desirable – what customers want Viable – profitable for you to build and sell Feasible – […]
For Product Management Office professionals to apply Lean-Agile values and principles and economic prioritization, and develop skills writing epics, Capabilities, Features, and user stories within the context of scaled agile. PO/PMs enable product development flow, drive program execution, and operate in the enterprise to drive the continuous delivery of value. Develop the skillsets needed to […]
使策略與執行保持一致對於任何組織的成功至關重要,也是 Scaled Agile Framework® 的關鍵面向。透過精實產品組合管理 (LPM) 方法,您可以跨孤島進行協作、為團隊提供支援並圍繞價值進行組織,以更快地滿足客戶的需求。精實投資組合管理可以幫助高階主管、專案管理官員 (PMO) 和其他[...]
這個為期兩天的研討會幫助目前的 Scrum Master 做好準備,讓他們在促進敏捷團隊、專案和企業在 Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) 實施中取得成功方面發揮領導作用。該研討會涵蓋促進跨團隊互動以支持專案執行和持續改進。它透過引入可擴展的工程和 DevOps 實踐來增強 Scrum 範式; […]