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Agile Change Leadership

HKD 4,800.00

Certified Agile Change Leadership Workshop
Duration: 1 day
Language: English / Putonghua / Cantonese
Remote live instructor-led interactive certification training

Additional Information

Job family

Business, Product, Process, Project


Business Owner, HR People Ops, Product Manager, Product Owner, Transformation Agent, Team Manager/Leader, Enterprise Agile Coach, Mutli-Team Agile Coach, Scrum Master /Team Agile Coach, Project Manager, Program Manager, Portfolio Manager

Competence Level


Workshop Category

Agile Leadership

Workshop Description

In a world of constant change and technological innovation, where volatility and response time become a survival factor in organizations, companies are looking for new ways to respond to these changes, including new practices and models.

The Agile Change Leadership Workshop introduces the Management 3.0 Change Model in depth, examines the components and gives guidance on how to use them for your daily business to drive transformation. Furthermore you will look into what it means for organizations to experiment, how the introduction of OKRs can help you, and how to introduce them in the most effective ways.

The Management 3.0 Agile Change Leadership Workshop is one out of four official follow-up workshops. The aim of these workshops is to gain new perspectives and tools to broaden your impact in your organization, to support the Agile transformation as a leader and change agent. For a holistic learning experience also attend these workshops: Agile Team Leadership, Agile Co-Creation Leadership, Agile People Leadership.

Change management leadership learning outcomes

Learning Objectives

After active participation in all sessions, at the end of this workshop you will be able to:

  • Know how to start your own experiments in a safe-to-fail environment
  • Have ideas on how to adapt your change project
  • Understand how to engage in Complex Adaptive Systems
  • Know how to facilitate OKR plannings
  • Judge good and not-so-good OKRs and metrics.

Topics covered

  • Change Management Advanced
    • What are the most common reasons change projects fail?
    • Change be done top-down or bottom-up. How can you find the right balance in a change project?
    • Who or what needs to make the biggest change to support most change projects?
  • Success and Failure
    • What should be the focus: celebrate success or celebrate failure?
    • How do you create a safe-to-fail environment?
    • How can you encourage teams and co-workers to run more experiments?
  • Metrics and OKRs
    • Why do we have metrics, is this good or bad? And why?
    • Who is, or should be, responsible for coming up, and maintaining metrics?
    • What are the key metrics in your organization that you would recommend to everyone, and which metrics should be avoided?

Practices Introduced

  • Experiment Hypothesis
  • Connection Circles
  • Celebration Grids
  • Yay! Questions
  • OKRs


The Foundation Workshop and the Agility in HR Workshop is where you learn the essential pillars and tools of Management 3.0. It is required that you attend one of these before attending the Agile Change Leadership Workshop. This is a follow-up workshop which leverages the full potential of the initial training.

Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Professional Development Units (PDUs)

  • Attendees may be eligible to apply for 8 PDUs toward their continuing education requirements with the Project Management Institute (PMI) for PMP®, PgMP®, and PMI-ACP® certifications.

Our Workshop Schedule

For us to inspect and adapt, please feel free to let us know if you have any particular needs and suggestions on workshop schedule and timing, thanks!

You can also contact us for Corporate Trainings.

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Management 3.0 is the future of management that means doing the right thing for your team, including everyone in improving the system and fostering employee engagement with the right environment around to enable this. Management 3.0 examines how to analyze that system to come up with the right solutions for better leadership across organizations.

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